Let's Meet

Let’s catch up over a cup of coffee or an online meeting and discuss your vision. What’s the problem you want solved? What requirements do you have? How can we migrate your application into an innovative user-interface? Let Aura Tech know how we can help your business.

Project Scope

After our meeting, we’ll record your requirements in our project management tool. Our team will put together documentation to define the scope of your project.


Our team will then create a prototype and present it to you. We’ll listen to your feedback and continue to incorporate it into the prototype. The team will then come up with the technology and architecture the project will be built on.


Our Business Development Manager will deploy the latest code on our staging server at regular intervals so you can check the status of your project and provide us with your feedback.


Aura Tech is a software development company that offers custom web and software development services in PHP, WordPress, Magento & PrestaShop as well as front end programming services in Angular, React JS, MEAN development, HTML5, CSS3 & BootStrap. We build inspiring interfaces in advanced web and mobile application development. We have a solid understanding of the software life cycle during the design and development process, with a proven track record of producing user-friendly and cutting edge applications.

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Just want to have your designs converted to HTML/CSS? No problem. We cater to all needs, no matter the size.We convert any design file into pixel perfect, semantic, standards compliant HTML/CSS template, including: Photoshop Document (PSD), Sketch, AI, Adobe XD . We do 100% manual coding to deliver you the best results. As part of our coding standards we use SASS/LESS. Our SEO friendly markup will see your site at the top of Google results. Images will be optimized for to provide the greatest possible performance. Your pages will Cross-Browser and Cross-Device compatible with organized coding for all platforms. In other words it’s all in a Responsive Design, meaning it will be 100% compatible with mobile devices!

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Let us build your web application from design to deployment using the fun and friendly Java Script Aura Tech environment, MEAN. It combines the four most advanced web development frameworks in AngularJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, and Mongo DB. Our team of professionals possess a deep knowledge in MEAN stack hosting and development. MEAN is an opinionated full stack JavaScript framework, a process which simplifies and accelerates web application development. Since both front end and back end tasks are combined under the umbrella of JavaScript, the performance is heavily boosted. Nothing beats MEAN in terms of cost and time.

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WordPress is currently the web’s most widely used Content Management System (CMS) to build websites. WordPress makes the entire process of writing content, publishing it to the web, and optimizing it very flexible. So much more than just blogging software, WordPress makes it possible to create fully functional e-commerce websites, lead generation sites, or even brochure sites to showcase your business offerings.

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Our professionals in Angular JavaScript build real time, single page applications, like Gmail, where there are no page reloads. This automation makes the pages fast and sleek as it has two way data binding and modular code. When the data changes in the backend it is automatically sent to the frontend, in a seamless manner. This simplifies development of complex client side applications. Our team has built complex applications with Angular JS which are able to scale seamlessly. As always, we test our applications thoroughly to ensure the app is performing as desired and is bug free.

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React makes building inspiring interfaces simplistic, since it is a full-fledged front end framework. Whether you are developing a large project or even a small web based product, React best suits anyone aiming to scale their future business model. Our team can create quick user interfaces using React to serve you with the latest concepts in order to help you succeed.

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Aura Tech offers our clients customized and flexible PHP solutions according to contemporary PHP technologies and trends. We know the tricks and tactics to develop high-quality PHP solutions that ensure great performance parameters. No matter the business, our professional team can deliver you the best possible PHP solution.

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As a responsive web design agency, we not only incorporate responsive design in your new website design project, but if you have a website and need to update it with responsive design, we can modify your website's design and make it responsive. When you’re looking for responsive web design services in Columbus, Ohio, look no farther than Cynexis. We are a leading full responsive website design company who can get your site responsive.

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Auratech develops applications and solutions that put the customer first. When people come to us for help, we see them as business partners first and clients second, taking on projects that we believe in and making them our own. With creativity, respect, transparency, quality and teamwork at the center of all we do, we have forged powerful partnerships with industry leaders such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Kentico, Apple and Google Play.

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When you use an application on your mobile phone, the application connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. The server then retrieves that data, interprets it, performs the necessary actions and sends it back to your phone. The application then interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in a readable way. This is what an API is - all of this happens via API.

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If your application does a lot of reading and writing to the internet or the filesystem, NodeJS is the fastest technology out there to build your application. NodeJS works on a principle called the event loop, unlike other traditional web application frameworks, and this is what helps make it extremely scalable and elastic. So if your company revolves around varying scalability, then perhaps NodeJS is the right pick for you.

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Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Google states that "Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages" using the Android software development kit (SDK), while using other languages is also possible. All non-JVM languages, such as Go, JavaScript, C, C++ or assembly, need the help of JVM language code, that may be supplied by tools, likely with restricted API support.

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iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It is the second most popular mobile operating system globally after Android. The iOS user interface is based upon direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multi-touch interface.

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Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia. The first version of Flutter was known as "Sky" and ran on the Android operating system. It was unveiled at the 2015 Dart developer summit, with the stated intent of being able to render consistently at 120 frames per second.


Organic SEO

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Organic SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an important aspect of digital marketing. It is an essential digital marketing technique used to ensure businesses and brands come on top of search engine results. Getting your SEO strategy right is one of the key steps to ensuring your business website appears on the first few pages of search engines. This is why there is a high demand for good SEO agencies. SEO agencies help you with your search engine marketing efforts. They will understand your business objectives and accordingly strategize a sustainable digital and search engine marketing plan.


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Auratech Analytics is a trusted partner to global clients across multiple sectors, with deep knowledge of retail, e- commerce and pharmaceutical industries. We generate insights that transform businesses, streamlining operations and substantially lifting profits. Companies that need specialized data analytics, business intelligence and reporting turn to us. We thrive on the most complex projects, where our keen analysis can generate game-changing results, and we have the track record to prove it.

Reporting Dashboards

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Reporting Dashboards

We’ll compile all of your data based on how you make business decisions right on your desktop which can be analyzed at a glance. Data will be aggregated from multiple sources like internal data, external data, apps etc. The data is streamed real-time with litter to no lag, providing a seamless user experience. The human mind is simply much better at interpreting trends visually than at picking them out a spreadsheet. Only data that the client values most will be displayed. This helps alleviate the stress of those moment-to-moment business decisions.

Cloud Hosting

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Cloud Hosting

Hosting your site on the Cloud provides a wealth of benefits. It’s the most reliable way to host a website – allowing your site to pull resources from other physical servers. This provides nearly endless scalability. Client’s only pay for what they use, and security is top-notch too! We only provide the best hosting solutions for our clients.

Unlimited Content Updates

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Unlimited Content Updates

Don't let other services providers bog you down. Why are you paying us monthly if you can only update the content on your site 1-2 times per month? Yea, we don’t like the sound of that either. With Aura Tech, you can request as many updates to your site per month as you see fit. It’s YOUR website, after all.

Design Refresh

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Design Refresh

Small business is the heartbeat of the US economy. Aura Tech LLC helps small businesses by providing a high-quality website maintenance services team to maintain and manage small business web presence on a variety of platforms and applications from WordPress to custom systems. Discover the delight Aura Tech LLC has delivered to clients across the country.

Additional Features

Professional Onsite Videos

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Professional Videos

Nothing draws a user in like a professionally made video front and center on your website. Have an office? We’ll come film a virtual tour for your potential clients to see via the web. Want to film some customer testimonials? We can do that too! You name it, we’ll get it done.

Professional Onsite Photos

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Professional Photos

Nothing helps connect you to local customer population like a full photo gallery on your site. It allows them to comfortably tour your office, view the warm smiles of your staff, or check out the equipment that makes the wheel turn.

We have a talented team of developers for web and software development. We work on technologies like PHP, WordPress, Magento, and PrestaShop after evaluating the needs of your project.

Our architects design the system for maximum performance and scalability. We also take pride in developing innovative front end interfaces with the latest cutting edge technologies like HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap4, and React JavaScript.